The Ranks and Degrees




       The Traditionnal Belts in the School System of Bình-Định Sa-Long-Cương include four colors : Black, Green, Red and Yellow, dividing into four Ranks, established according to four traditional colors of Đại-Việt military dress belts in the bygone days :

       1 - "Black color" Belt reserved to Satellites

       2 - "Green color" Belt reserved to Soldiers

       3 - "Red color" Belt reserved to Officers

       4 - "Yellow color" Belt reserved to Generals and to Chief General.



Ranks and Degrees currently in force


SLC Việt-Nam Belts

International SLC Belts


Traditional Belts





Traditional Hierarchy of Ranks and Degrees





       1 - Black Belt Rank :

              - Black Belt (Probation Student)


       2 - Green Belt Rank :

              - Green Belt

              - Green Belt Ist Degree

              - Green Belt 2nd Degree


       3 - Red Belt Rank :

             - Red Belt (Trainer-Stagiaire)

             - Red Belt Ist Degree (Trainer-Assistant)

             - Red Belt 2nd Degree (Trainer)


       4 - Yellow Belt Rank :

       Actually, the Yellow Belt Rank is divided into :

             First Cycle :

                 - Yellow Belt without Degree (Assistant Instructor)

                 - Yellow Belt 1st Degree (Instructor)

                 - Yellow Belt 2nd Degree (Subaltern Assistant-Master).

             Second Cycle :

                 - Yellow Belt 3rd Degree (Assistant-Master)

                 - Yellow Belt 4th Degree (Master)

                 - Yellow Belt 5th Degré (Master having trained Assistants-Masters of Yellow Belt 1st Degree).


Martial Master Đặng Phước Bảy, Yellow Belt 5th Degré,
one among very rare Martial Masters in Việt-Nam,
yet bearing Belt according to Traditional Belt Colours from
Bình-Đinh Sa-Long-Cương School System.

( Photo Credit : Facebook Sa-Long-Cương CN Q.11)


Martial Master Đặng Phước Bảy, Yellow Belt 5th Degré,
one among very rare Martial Masters in Việt-Nam,
yet bearing Belt according to Traditional Belt Colours from
Bình-Đinh Sa-Long-Cương School System.

( Photo Credit : Facebook Sa-Long-Cương CN Q.11)

             Third Cycle :

                 - Yellow Belt 6th Degree (Master having trained Assistants-Masters and Masters of Yellow Belt 2nd Degree) ;

                 - Yellow Belt 7th Degree (Master having trained Masters of Yellow Belt 2nd Degree) ;

                 - Yellow Belt 8th Degree (Grand Master in Chief / Vice-Martial-Rector Grand Master)

                 - Yellow Belt 9th Degree (Martial Rector Grand Master)

Martial Rector Grand-Master
when he was 60,
wearing Yellow Belt 4th Degree
(2 Yellow birettas at one end
and 2 Yellow birettas at the other).

Martial Rector Grand-Master
when he was 70,
wearing Yellow Belt 7th Degree
(5 Yellow birettas at one end
and 2 Yellow birettas at the other).


Martial Rector Grand-Master
wearing Yellow Belt 7th Degree
(5 Yellow birettas at one end
and 2 Yellow birettas at the other)
when he was over 70.


Martial Rector Grand-Master

wearing Yellow Belt 9th Degree
(6 Yellow birettas at one end
and 3 Yellow birettas at the other)
when he was over 80.

Martial Rector Master
wearing Yellow Belt 8th Degree
(8 Yellow birettas at each end)
when he was over 75.


Martial Rector Master
wearing Yellow Belt 9th Degree
(9 Yellow birettas at each end)
when he was over 80.




Committee of

Martial Arts Masters















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